October 28, 2011

Make it Yourself

Ok, here's how I do this.
We'll start with the laundry soap. I use equal parts soap, washing soda and borax.

The recipes I looked at used Ivory, Fels Naptha or Zote soap. The 2 latter, as well as the borax and washing soda, can be found in the laundry isle at Wal-Mart or a grocery store. I just shred the soap with a fine cheese grater (this takes a while, but it's a good excuse to watch something on TV!). I use 4-5 bars for each batch.
Then I pour in the box of washing soda (don't use regular baking soda...that's different stuff!). Then I pour in as much of the borax as will fit in the container. (I use the leftover borax to clean the tub and shower!) You'll want to use an airtight container because the borax will harden. Plus, it makes it a whole lot easier to shake up! Then I just use a heaping tablespoon in each wash. Easy peasy! And it lasts for a really long time. How cheap is that?!?!?!?!
Ok, I'm out of time now...but glass cleaner, fruit/veggie wash and all-purpose cleanser are coming soon!

1 comment:

  1. I realize this posted a long time ago, but we finally got around to trying your recipe! We used Fels Naptha and it was a PAIN to shred (is Ivory easier?), but we now have a huge container of laundry detergent. We ran our first load with it this morning and the clothes came out clean and fresh. Thanks for passing along this money-saving idea!
